5個適用艾灸穴位用於預防流感 5 Basic Acupuncture Points for Moxibustion Application in the Prevention of Influenza 13 32806 收藏

甲型流感病毒(簡稱流感)在一些國家和地區似乎尚未得到控制, 依然活躍。持續爆發, 是因為病毒對人類致病性也比較強, 死亡人數繼續上升!

The continuous outbreak of avian influenza (flu) A virus infections in humans seems not yet controlled in several countries and regions. This highly pathogenic influenza activity is still active at large with risk epidemically. Death toll is continued to rise!


流感是一種常見的季節性變化引發的傳染病,與普通感冒相比有一定差異。目前,有許多國家處於秋季初期。根據中醫五運六氣學說的致病因素和理論, 疾病的形成與治療,我們需要警惕, 並須採取預防措施,或在疾病初期前進行適當治療。

Influenza is a common seasonal change infectious disease which has a certain difference when compares to common cold. At present, there are many countries at the early stage of autumn. According to the 5 elements and 6 pathogenic factors theory in the formation and treatment of disease, we need to be alert and do adequate preventive measures, treating the disease before its onset.


流感疾病是身體系統受到流感病毒的攻擊所引起的。 《黃帝內經》道: “正氣存內,邪不可幹”。當人體陰陽失調, 則防禦能力就不足,一旦能量相對較弱時,外源性病原體就輕易攻擊,影響到經絡和臟腑的正常功能,導致疾病形成。

Influenza is an illness caused by viruses that attack our body system. Huang Di Nei Jing, “Body with abundant internal energy, won’t be invaded by pathogens”. When there is disorder of human body organs, energy is relatively weak, insufficient defensive ability, imbalance of yin and yang, or with endogenous pathogen factors, the exogenous pathogens will take its advantage to attack our body that will affect the normal functions of body organs, meridians resulting in disease formation.

中醫學最重視治未病,其內容主要包括:一是未病先防,亦稱養生或攝生;二是已病防變,及早根治已病,防止病理演化加重;並儘量減少成為殘疾人的機會; 三是病癒之後,防止復發或產生新病。中國灸法具有溫陽的作用,增強我們的免疫系統, 抵抗和預防流感病毒入侵。通過灸法所產生的溫熱能刺激相應的穴位和經絡, 有效地調理由流感所引起的發燒,咳嗽,疲勞等症狀,從根本上得到治癒。

In traditional Chinese medicine, we giveimportance to the so called: "Highest Level Method of Treating Disease by Prevention”, aside from disease prevention; it includes treating disease before its onset, preventing its recurrence; and minimizing the chance to become disabled and so on. Chinese Moxibustion has the warming yang effect and enhancing our body resistance, a better effect in resisting and preventing influenza virus invasion. Through the moxibustion heat stimulating on the corresponding acupoints and meridians could have effect in conditioning the fever, cough, fatigue and other symptoms caused by the flu and curing the disease radically.



The following are the 5 basic applicable acupoints used in moxibustion for the prevention of influenza:

1.【足三裡】 足三裡是預防流感第一步,應當提升自身免疫力,防止邪氣入侵體內。足三裡是一個強壯身心的大穴,傳統中醫認為,艾灸足三裡有調節機體免疫力、增強抗病能力、調理脾胃、補中益氣、通經活絡、疏風化濕、扶正祛邪的作用。

Zusanli (ST36): the first step in the prevention of influenza for enhancing the immunity, preventing the invasion of pathogenic factors that attack the body. Zusanli is a powerful acupoint that used in stimulating the mind and body. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that moxibustion application on Zusanli can adjust the body immunity, enhance disease resistance, conditioning the spleen and stomach, nourishing the middle burner area and invigorating energy, regulating the meridians and collaterals, expelling wind and dispersing dampness, and for strengthening the body resistance to eliminate pathogenic factors

2.【大椎穴】 大椎是退熱經驗穴,具有調節陰陽、祛除邪氣、預防流感、緩解頭痛及增強身體抵抗力的作用。

Dazhui (GV14): effective acupoint for abating fever, has effect on regulating yin and yang, eliminating pathogenic factors, preventing influenza, ability to relieve headaches and enhancing the body resistance.

3. 【曲池穴】 曲池與大椎穴搭配是提高人體免疫力的一組穴位,具有清熱解毒,緩解肌腱僵硬,改善經絡循環的功效。

Quchi (LI11): Quchi and Dazhui together is a set of acupoints used to improve the body's immune function. Have the functions of clearing away heat and relieving exterior syndrome, and relieving the rigidity of muscles and tendons, also improving the circulation of meridians and collaterals.

4.【肺俞穴】 肺俞是肺臟氣血在背部輸注的地方,所以艾灸肺俞穴有利於緩解呼吸系統的疾病,是調理流感的必備穴位。

Feishu (BL13): moxibustion application on Feishu acupoints has the effect of improving pulmonary function. It is a set of necessary acupoints used inthetreatment of respiratory disease.

5.【合谷穴】 合谷有鎮靜止痛、調和氣血、清熱解表的作用,常艾灸此處可祛風寒、流行性感冒、頭痛、發熱惡寒等。

Hegu (LI4): for alleviating pain, adjusting qi and blood flow, clearing away heat and relieving exterior syndrome, have the effect of dispelling wind and eliminating cold, cured influenza, relieving headache, fever and aversion to cold,if moxibustion is being applied here quite often.

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